Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

Hailey Amaro
The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Heidi W. Durrow

Ever watched a mother commit suicide while holding two of her three children? Ever had to start a new life? Welcome to Rachel’s world. Rachel Morse is the only survivor of a tragic accident that killed off her immediate family and because of this she becomes this “new girl” (Durrow 52). With her father stationed on a military base in Germany, Rachel is sent to live with her paternal grandmother who believes that a girl’s only hope is to “catch a lizard” (Durrow 8). Rachel often finds herself looking up to her Aunt Loretta who does the opposite of everything her mom tells her to.
The novel revolves around tragedy, racism, and social hierarchy differences seeing as though Rachel is the only biracial in her entire town. Personally, I would recommend this novel in a heartbeat. It’s mysterious, and it talks about real world issues such as class differences and the racism that is deeply embedded in America. The people that would thoroughly enjoy this book are people who enjoy books incorporate political issues into the storyline.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your recommendation and how detailed it was.

  3. I like how you started it off because it caught my attention right away.

  4. Your topic sentence really grabbed my attention.

  5. I like that you showed the connection between the book and real world problems

  6. The first line brought me in right away
